Wednesday, August 29, 2012


LinkedIn is a very valuable tool if you are looking for a job or seeking a promotion.  Unlike other social media outlets, it is geared towards the professional arena.  You're not going to put vacation photos or status updates on this one.  It is a very good way to connect though. Watch this informative video for a quick tutorial on all LinkedIn has to offer.


LinkedIn is an excellent way to connect to people that can provide references or job opportunities.  Make sure your profile is updated and very professional.  LinkedIn is also a great place to look if you own a business and are looking for new employees.  It offers their resumes and a list of their connections.  Checking for mutual connections is a great way to get feedback about the person of interest. If you stumble upon this blog and are looking for someone to work for you, here is a great example of a candidate seeking employment...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pin Your Way to Success

Pinterest is one of the newest Social Media Sites, yet it has quickly become one of the most popular.  The structure behind it is a little different than others in that you post pictures of things that interest you instead of status updates.  It is a favorite of crafty moms and brides, but Pinterest is also becoming a valuable tool for businesses.

There are several tips to successfully marketing your products or services on Pinterest.
  • Relate to the users.  Posting products in a cold, sterile environment will only look like you are trying to sell something. Make the user feel like they need your product in their everyday life by pinning shots of the product in daily life.
  • Connect your company. By posting pictures of your office or employees, you connect with the consumer and become relatable.
  • Link to Social Media. Pin images that will encourage users to click-through to your blog or other social media sites.  This continues the process of connecting to the customer and building your brand.

On Pinterest, it's all about visual appeal.  Create interesting pins that draw in users and make that connection! Check out the infographic below for more tips and tricks for getting the most out of Pinterest. If you still want to know more check out an article from the company behind the graphic.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why Use Social Media Marketing?

 “Social media isn’t the end-all-be-all, but it offers marketers unparalleled opportunity to participate in relevant ways. It also provides a launchpad for other marketing tactics. Social media is not an island. It’s a high-power engine on the larger marketing ship.”  Matt Dickman,

Social Media is everywhere.  It's become part of the American culture over the last 5 years, so much that it seems crazy to us when someone is not involved in some sort of social media site.  The video above lists a number of statistics emphasizing the vast growth and spread of social media.  These stats aren't just for general information though.  They are valuable pieces of information for anyone trying to grow and expand a business. When any one person can reach millions and millions of people with a simple post, that is a technology to take note of.  When social media marketing is done correctly, the scope of where a company can reach is virtually endless.  The end of the video reminds us though, that with that power, it is very important to remain trustworthy.  As simple as it is to get positive information out to the public, one mistake and negative information will fly across the social media networks just as easily. In 24 hours, your information can reach a lot of people.  Make sure your content is interesting, reliable, and beneficial to the consumer, and you will have no problem tapping into the world of social media marketing.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

KSDK's Olympics Marketing Campaign

With all eyes on the Olympics this week it puts local news station KSDK in the spotlight....and how do they respond to all the viewers? With a brilliant social marketing campaign called "17 iPads in 17 Days."  If you live in the St. Louis area, look at your news feed on Facebook and tell me you don't see a number of your friends liking KSDK's page in the hopes of winning an iPad.  The premise is simple.

  • You see the ad on TV during the commercial breaks or click the link in your news feed from one of your friends who has entered.  
  • All you have to do is "like" KSDK then fill out a form in order to be eligible for the free iPad.  
  • The winner is announced each night after the games for all 17 days of the Olympics.  
This entire campaign probably cost the news station around $7,000 for the iPads, a small fee compared to many advertising campaigns.  It's so smart because everyone is watching the Olympics and hears about the contest, then they become followers of the stations Facebook page.  Once someone likes the page, KSDK's news updates will show up in their feed and this will likely drive viewership up for their news programs.  For KSDK the proof is in the numbers:

In July, KSDK's total number of followers was just around 60,000.

Today KSDK has 113,104 followers.

It is too soon to tell if this simple promotion will boost ratings for the network, but it certainly cannot hurt it.  Any promotion that nearly doubles an organizations followers is something worth looking at.  KSDK saw an opportunity to capitalize on the Olympics and they definitely did not disappoint.